First Day

Well, we are here at the hotel in our new city. My DH noticed that I was getting twitches about the thought of being unconnected for two weeks, so he kindly packed up my computer and reminded me that I had wireless capabilities. I made it through the first evening and then set it up as soon as the kids went to bed tonight.

B had a good first day at school. He was a little nervous, but warmed up quickly. His teacher's name is Ms. Johnston. However, she is still out on maternity leave and won't be back for another couple of weeks. In the meantime, he has a sub -- Ms. Johnson. How's that for confusing a bunch of 1st graders and their parents?!?!?

CC also had a good day. She was excited to make new friends and play with the toys in child care at the preschool. She told me "Bye" and went in without a second look.

I also had a good first day. I have been very blessed with this new preschool job. One of my biggest concerns about my DH getting a transfer was the loss of my support network -- preschool, church, quilting, etc. In this new job, I have already found a wonderful group of people and I just feel at home already.

The hotel is nice. They have a pool to tire out the kids and a light dinner M-Th (tonight was tacos) with beer and wine. I have stocked my fridge with Dr. Pepper and Keebler Elf cookies. I have a separate living area so I don't have to go to bed when the kids do.

Pray for my DH. He's the one who has been left with the dog, a house needing paint and various repairs, and lots of instructions on what NOT to send with the movers. And no firm date for him to actually be on site for his new job.

My MIL gave me addresses for some quilt stores. CC and I have tomorrow off, so we will probably check at least one out after our (of course) trip to Target. I did good -- I remembered all the school supplies and the lunch bags and the cold packs, and only forgot B's backpack.

And now I'm off to settle in for the evening with some crochet and the TV. It's the little things that are frustrating -- like trying to learn new cable channels. And I have no WE -- what am I going to do without Bridezillas??


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