Sometimes I think I need a set of worry beads just to have a focus for my obsessions. Everything is going smoothly with the new house, so of course I am convinced that there is something that I need to be doing, to be more active on, to be obsessed with. Letting things happen and especially letting other people be in control of any part of my life just doesn't come naturally to me. At this point, I'm just trying to see what God wants me to learn. It's a slow process and it seems that I need many repetitions of my lessons. We have a signed sales contract on the house. The inspector came yesterday and everything is structually sound. Some minor things that my dh wants to take care of himself. Yeah! Relocation package came through, too, so I need to pick a mover. Now there will be an opportunity for growth for me. I am very excited about not having to do the packing. I know, however, that when the day comes, I will worry obsessively about whether or not they will do a good job...
If only the colors were purple, green, and gold...