Polka dot, polka dot, where is Spot?

I have always loved polka dots and got to show my creativity lately by repainting the kids' bathroom. My DH said I had to wait until after the new floors were done, then was surprised to come home and find the wallpaper ripped off only 2 days after the floor guys left. (Does he not know me at all?)

I forgot to take "before" pictures, but that's okay. The bathroom wasn't hideous or anything, it was pink floral -- not a kids' bathroom and not to my taste. Plus, it was painted over wallpaper and the seams bothered me. Now, I think it is just right. Besides, it matches the SpongeBob toilet seat much better.


Unknown said…
Nice job.......'specially since I saw the "Before" version AND I recently spent some time peeling wallpaper.
Unknown said…
so you're good at peeling wallpaper? 'cause I've got a whole house-full of it in Mississippi...
deej said…
I am also very good at cursing at previous owners who put up wallpaper improperly.

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